ONE YEAR of Fantastic Finds *Bonus Playlist* May 2023

Fantastic Finds

HEYO! Can you believe I’ve been digging up tunes for an entire year for the DoD friends and fam?! <3

To celebrate, I’ve compiled a special Fantastic Finds Archive playlist bursting at the seams with almost 15 HOURS of music from the past year, plus 10 fresh bonus tracks for the month of May! Put this one on shuffle, play it backwards, forwards or sideways and you’ll still never run out of bangers.

A HUGE thank you to our readers for coming back to jam with me month after month, to the DoD team for your support and to our playlist guests so far this year, its been a wild one!

I’ll be back next week to run it again with fresh finds and a NEW playlist guest. Can’t stop won’t stop!

As ALWAYS, stay safe, and enjoy

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