Better Late Than Never: Glow by Shingo Nakamura 


Better Late Than Never is a new review series where we look at albums and/or tunes that definitely deserve some spotlight and may not have quite caught the hype they deserved upon release. Our first in this review series, is the 2021 album “Glow” by Shingo Nakamura.  

Glow, a melodic masterpiece created by DJ/Producer Shingo Nakamura, has been  an absolutely incredible experience to stumble upon and review.  Released in  2021, Glow is Nakamura’s debut LP with Monstercat. His debut EP, Alice in Wonderland was also released under Monstercat sub-label, Silk in 2009. 

Although he’s been mixing and producing since his teen years, Glow was meticulously crafted with care and took five years to create according to the artist in his interview with Cultr in 2021. That alone can be encouraging and inspiring for any budding producer. This album is pure evidence that sometimes great things take time; that it’s about being happy with your creation, not how long it took to create.

With its variety in emotion, melody, and tempo, this album ranges in variety from atmospheric piano, deep and progressive house, to a dark, moody downtempo. It is a story, a transformative listening experience, and I highly encourage you to take the journey that is Glow. Let’s break it down track by track: 

  • Commence- A beautiful beginning to this album, Commence is led by piano melodies and sets a very dreamy and serene, emotional tone to start.
  • Phenomena- This was the first track to grab my attention, and led me down the rabbit hole to this album. Its airy, ethereal sounds remind me of Dinka, but it still has the unmistakable touch of Nakamura woven in, which makes it the perfect deep house dream. 
  • Darling Midnight- Our first vocal track of the album, Darling Midnight is an amazing collaboration between Nakamura and vocalist Brandon Mignacca. His name might be familiar from his other work in the trance, house, and progressive realm as a singer, songwriter, composer and producer. 
  • Before You Go- This track has been a favorite in the car for it’s driving beat and sounds reminiscent to those used by Nora En Pure. But again, Nakamura has his unique touch intertwined with smooth violin and piano melodies throughout the track. 
  • Tribute, Chapter III- A new favorite in my progressive house playlist, this track is the result of the talents of both Nakamura and professional pianist Stendhal, and made its appearance on ASOT 1024 in 2021. 
  • Summa- this track has such a mysterious beauty to it; the deep synth and progressive house beat have secured its place earned in my “Night Drives” playlist.   
  • Glow- The title track of this album was featured on Monstercat’s “Best of 2021,” and rightly so. The deeply emotional and poetic piano melodies of Nakamura are present in this track with the kind of synth that puts you in the beloved trance/progressive feels. This is a new favorite, and ultimately what made the album and the artist himself new personal favorites as well. 
  • The Longest Hour- This track is a collaboration between Nakamura and Vintage & Morelli, another incredibly talented progressive and trance producer. This track gives all the dance feels and uplifting emotion you would expect combining the genius of these two. 
  • Supra- The cinematic beauty mixed with the drive of this track gives me life every time I hear it. This is one to surely get you moving on the dancefloor, in the gym, in the car, wherever you are. 
  • Overt- The dreamlike vocals and distant, melodic synths used in this track give it an essence of similar artists like Lane 8 and Yotto. It gives you that sense of being transported to another world, and one of the qualities I’ve grown to deeply appreciate about Nakamura’s style. 
  • White Room- Our closing track is one of its own. This downtempo track is completely different from the aforementioned, and the perfect end to the album’s progressive journey. Its floaty melodies, occasional choir-like vocal and moments of children’s laughter give it a light, fantastical sensation while deep, moody tones give it depth and intensity. 

I highly encourage you to find this album on your favorite music streaming platform and experience the gem that is Glow for yourself. It’s a lovely addition to Shingo Nakamura’s creations and to your favorite progressive playlist. It also features the extended mix versions of the tracks listed above for your own mixing adventures. 

I was a couple of years late on finding and enjoying this album, but that’s why we call this little section “Better Late than Never.” Whether you do yours digitally or physically in a record store, happy crate digging!  

You can find Nakamura on all major social media and streaming platforms by clicking HERE or his picture below

(click picture for social media links)

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Hannah is a long time party go-er, music lover and part time DJ based out of Houston, TX. She specializes in deep house, trance, progressive, and techno.