#MusicVideoMonday — WTF did I just watch? PART II


It’s an election year, which means America is getting weirder by the second. Turning on the news these days is pretty much a daily “WTF did I just watch?” moment. Here are a few videos highlighting the ridiculousness of ‘Murican life to ease your mind—or severely disturb it enough to be distracted for a while. Warning: Not entirely safe for work, graphic AF … and hilarious.

HAM — Music by Mr. Oizo, directed by Eric Wareheim

This is less of a “music video” than a video that features some excellent music. Starring John C. Reilly, this film short originally aired on Jash Presents RUBBERHEAD, an embarrassment of comedic riches, available on Vimeo On Demand. Whether through laughter or being horrified, this will bring some sort of tear to your eye.

Bad Royale — One Puff (directed by George Nienhuis)

You probably know that feeling, but you’d never admit it to anyone. You think you’re safe, stuffing your face full of the absolute worst garbage humans can consume, and then suddenly “it” hits, everything imaginable goes down to keep you from sweet relief, and by the end you’re literally crying and screaming out, “SAMPSON, I’M SORRY.” Thankfully this is all a fourth-dimensional production, and none of it’s real. That is, except for how awesome the track is.

Despite the grossness, if you caught yourself dancing to the track, don’t miss out on March 12 when The Department of Dance proudly presents Secret Sessions episode 003 featuring BAD ROYALE! Not only is there be a solid lineup of local support, the lovely ladies of Lady L Entertainment, and a world-class booty contents, but this is the Mad Decent supergroup’s first appearance in the Lone Star State and sure to be a can’t-miss show.

Bad Royal Flyer

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Ash Cash Dillon is a legit word nerd with a killer bass face and a love of all that is stone cold groovy. You can find her writing all over the interwebs, business world, and take-out menus via sharpie vandalism.