Houston’s Dance Music Community Joining Forces For Good


We at TheDepartmentofDance.com are proud to announce we will once again be a contributing partner to Matthew Dunn’s annual charity bash “A Little Help From My Friends”. Each year Matthew and his peers in the Houston, TX dance music community come together to host and event that benefits a non profit organization. This year has once again been dedicated to Friends For Life Animal Rescue and Adoption (www.nokill1.org).

In addition to the usual wide spectrum of Houston’s DJs, crews, and production/promotion companies, Matthew has teamed up with Houston’s EDM heavy hitter production company, Nightculture (www.nightculture.com) and Stereo live to make this year’s show even bigger and better than any on record with 3 areas of music, the wildly popular silent auction, and the debut of the bachelor and bachelorette auction!
The show is scheduled for Thursday, July 10th, 2014 at Stereo Live (6400 Richmond Ave, Houston, TX). We are excited to once again be a part of such a worthwhile cause! You can get all the details on the facebook event page here.

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