Mix of the Week: Charlotte de Witte – Radio1 Residency Mix 1

Pukkelpop by Fille Roelants

We’ve spent the last couple of weeks jamming this incredible mix from Charlotte de Witte.  She starts us out with a dreamy ambient, and then take us dark and deep for almost the rest of the hour.  She tops us off again with more ambient to close out the magnificent hour.  Seriously, take a listen – we can’t get enough!



    1. Fabrizio Lapina – Early Morning Waves
    2. Maxime Dangles – Our Own Choices
    3. Keith Carnal – Enabler
    4. Kaiser – Rotational Inertia
    5. Cortechs – Not Tomorrow Yet
    6. Omis – Madness
    7. Marla Singer – Chronics
    8. Vladimir Dubyshkin – Pigeon Epilepsy
    9. Sectaoc Mass – Evidence
    10. Rohar – Nerves
    11. Subjected – 3xSaw
    12. Perc – Pivot
    13. Intercept – Singing Entity
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Journalist/blogger since 2009 and music lover since 1980. Bex now travels the world and writes and takes photos of dance events, creates art in various media, sings quietly to her cat in the shower, and occasionally builds something that tends to involve a blowtorch. She can usually be seen hiding behind some sort of camera rig.