Music Review – Sullivan King’s “I’ll Fight Back”


Yesterday, rising dubstep artist Sullivan King released an absolutely colossal track on the infamous music label Monstercat. Titled “I’ll Fight Back”, the song is an aggressive and heavy blend of dubstep and metal with a second drop twist. Beginning with vocal chops and growling bass, the introduction sets the mood immediately. Sullivan King’s combative vocals are added during the build, increasing the overall intensity until the break. The track’s first drop is reminiscent of older dubstep releases, where heavy and long bass lines are laced with unique sounds to create almost a complex-step feeling. The build is then repeated with different, yet still truculent lyrics, creating more tension before the absolute banger of a second drop. Thrown into double time, the track picks up energy and touches on the edges of hard bass. Sullivan King finishes the track by bringing in drums and guitar sounds that give the touch of metal he is well known for. “I’ll Fight Back” keeps true to Sullivan King’s style, and with over fifteen thousand plays in 24 hours on Soundcloud alone, this track will likely be on par with his prior popular releases.

Listen to Sullivan King’s “I’ll Fight Back” below:

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