It’s been a rough week for us in Houston. Hurricane Harvey has brought catastrophic flooding and wind damage to countless on the gulf coast. However, our community has banded together like never seen before. The city has seen lines a block long to help the stranded, we’ve had so many people empty their closets the community has been told to STOP donating clothes, and people have worked around the clock to help save needy animals.

We had a hard time picking this week’s Mix of the Week. We really wanted to tap into that feeling of community, hope, and determination. So, this week ended up being 2 mixes… the first from Above and Beyond’s yoga set at Robot Heart at Burning Man (2014) and the second being a classic Armin van Buuren set from his trance prime (2009). We’re breaking all of our rules, because YOU have broken the perception of what we are perceived to do during a disaster.
Above and Beyond’s Burning Man set is anything but your typical dance music mix. First, it’s awfully short, but it builds just as we had hoped. Starting off with ethereal sounds, it slowly builds to bring some structure to your meditation and asanas. It’s eerie, beautiful, and peaceful. Open your heart to this mix.
Now that Above and Beyond gets that blood flowing, get your asana over into Armin’s classic mix. The tracks are beautiful, melodic, and uplifting. Perfect for driving to Dallas to extract your stranded family members (kidding, but not kidding here), or the drive to help at a local shelter. Additionally, 333 (the episode number) in numerology is a positive number, considered an “angel sign” to pay attention to your surroundings, and are signs of encouragement, communication, freedom, and assistance, which create a positive energy. We couldn’t think of something more appropriate.
Again, we are touched to the core about the outpouring of support from our colleagues, family, friends, and community. Together, we are hoUSton strong!
Journalist/blogger since 2009 and music lover since 1980. Bex now travels the world and writes and takes photos of dance events, creates art in various media, sings quietly to her cat in the shower, and occasionally builds something that tends to involve a blowtorch. She can usually be seen hiding behind some sort of camera rig.