In House and Techno, We Trust.


Music has always been heavily influenced by extreme political climate; inspiring an evolution in sound, style and creating a notable moment in time which eventually becomes recognized as an era. This could suggest that we are upon a new era; a musical renaissance, if you will. Dance music is our rock and roll and we are in need of expression and a sense of communal solidarity in a time where people are divided.

What better art form to express than one that encourages huddled masses of strangers to join each other in moving to the rhythms and nuances such house and techno? Completely disregarding race, religion, gender or creed, the only important thing is that we achieve a sense of euphoria through the vibrations and frequencies.

As we tread a shaky time of politics and divisiveness, we, the dance community, must be an element of inclusivity. We urge you to make music, share music, dance with strangers and be the reason someone has hope for humanity because of your kindness.

So, if you’ve been kicking around the idea of learning how to DJ or produce, go out there and get the tools, gain the knowledge and who knows… you could end up creating something that helps bring a room full of people together.

A friendly reminder from the Department of Dance.

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Chris Zane is a DOD contributor and DJ, who has held club residencies at Rich's, Fbar and renowned techno club, Gravity . Zane also hosts the house & Techno Podcast "The Zephyr Lounge" which you can catch on The Department of Dance Radio, Friday's at 2pm.