Kinda Super Disco ft. Ame


Photo credit: Julian Bajsel for KSD

If the Department of Dance could be your Trip Advisor, we would highly recommend the most unwavering underground monthly party in Houston: “Kinda Super Disco”, affectionately known as KSD.

Created by Extended Play’s Josh Dupont (Nightshade Music) and fellow DJ partner James Reed, ‘Kinda Super Disco’ has been a vessel which brings artists from around the world with the most unique, spacey and cinematic sounds of deep house and techno to the Houston dance scene.

Booking headliners such as Dubfire, Marc Romboy, Tube & Berger, Detroit Swindle, Moon Boots and Doorly, in venues from secret warehouses to historical night clubs, KSD has blossomed into one of the most consistent and promising parties in Texas.

Most recently, KSD featured German producer Kristian Beyer, one half of dj duo Åme, as their headliner and hosted the party at Houston’s historical and newly renovated Rich’s Nightclub; a haven for dance music and club culture through the years.

It was yet another jam packed night with local DJ Ian Castillo warming up the dance floor with his mellow track selection. The crowd steadily filing in, it was looking like a promising turnout. Dupont and Reed took the stage shortly after the club started to buzz with excitement; scoring the room with heavy synth driven soundscapes they are so known for. Most of these house heads had not been back to Rich’s since the renovation, acting as a rebirth of the club to the dance community.

The remarkable thing about this party is that the crowd is THERE.TO.DANCE. Unlike your shallow bottle service club nights that have taken over with mainstream EDM, Kinda Super Disco caters to the house aficionados and audiophiles of the city. Each and every person is a party starter in their own right, not afraid to cut the rug on the dance floor and getting them all into one room brewed an energy so pure and exciting, it truly was a treat to be in the presence of a like minded community to enjoy the obscure deep techno.

Åme took the stage promptly at midnight in a seamless transition, prompting the crowd to erupt with cheers and applause. Feet were moving, drinks were flowing, the sweat on your forehead was an indication we were in for a long night. Beyer’s stylings were graciously accepted by the squished masses on the dance floor. No doubt it was a transformative set that was inspiring to say the least; so different from American producers. The music went until 3am on a monday morning, leaving everyone thoroughly satisfied and ready to call into work. It was worth every moment of missed sleep.

We look forward to the continued success of this local party and the future headliners Dupont and Reed bring to Houston, a city exploding with culture and a wide musical palette. Kinda Super Disco is something not to be missed and definitely something to write home about.

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Chris Zane is a DOD contributor and DJ, who has held club residencies at Rich's, Fbar and renowned techno club, Gravity . Zane also hosts the house & Techno Podcast "The Zephyr Lounge" which you can catch on The Department of Dance Radio, Friday's at 2pm.