Come Together at Unite As One: Beach Cleanup & Music Festival Oct 14-Oct 16


Over the last few months, there have been a handful of individuals working tirelessly to put together one of Texas’s most anticipated events: the Unite as One Beach Clean Up and Music Festival. 2016 marks the fifth year the electronic dance music community will come together for three days and two nights of fun under the Texas sun, camaraderie, and clean up of Matagorda Beach. Crews from Texas, Louisiana, Arizona, and Oklahoma will be representing across 22 stages so there will be an endless supply of music across many different genres. In addition to the myriad of stages there will be the Sound Lounge, a space designed for your listening pleasure. Here you can listen to podcasts from your favorite local and international artists. In this space will be lights and blankets so that you can listen in comfort. Bring your ice chests, small grills, cooking stoves, water stockpile (three gallons of water per day per person is recommended), sunscreen, and positive vibes for one of October’s signature events.

Unite As One is volunteer driven and is a leave no trace event. The idea behind leave no trace is to do just that and leave the beach in a better condition than before everyone’s arrival. This means that if you see something, properly dispose of it. It doesn’t matter if it belongs to you or to someone else. This event is a way to give back to the community of Matagorda Beach and also a way to unite musical families. Every year attendees come back refreshed and renewed. To get an idea of the vibe, watch this video of D Bass performing last year and peek at last year’s event page.

If you are coming to this event, be sure to go to the event page and scroll through for the latest updates. For your convenience, The Department of Dance has compiled this information for easy access.


The Beach clean up will be Sunday morning. The idea is to clean up every moop (matter out of place) that can be found. Cleaning up after one’s self and others will reduce the amount of cleanup that needs to take place. The entire time the event is taking place everyone should be operating with a leave no trace mentality. Pick up after yourself and others. Place trash in the blue receptacles or the dumpster.


This year the Psycity/Texas Bass Culture Stage, the Alpha Stage, and the Rock 4 Recovery stage will be collecting donations for their respective charities/organizations. Psycity/Texas Bass Culture stage is collecting toys for the Bridge Over Troubled Waters center. This center provides safety to survivors and aims to prevent domestic and sexual violence. The Alpha Stage is collect donations for two local animal shelters. Donations being accepted include dog food (wet or dry), cat food (wet or dry), leashes, collars, chew toys in good condition, and anything pet related.

Rock 4 Recovery is a nonprofit music therapy program for veterans and will be hosting a stage this year where donations can be taken. If you would like to give online, you can visit their gofundme link is



In order to gain access to the beach, you must have a parking pass ($10) and receive a map. The map drop will be located at Stanley’s Market.Each car will receive a map.


CJ’s One Stop
186 Fisher St.
Matagorda, TX 77457
(979) 863-7722
Open 7 days a week 5:00 am- 10:00 pm

Stanley’s Market
752 Market Street, Matagorda, TX 77457
they’re also



Stanley’s Market will be available to provide food, ice, gas, fishing gear, drinks, and parking permits for the beach priced at $10. They are located at 752 Market Street, Matagorda, TX 77457. Their business hours Friday through Sunday are as follows:

Friday 5:00 am- 11:00 pm
Saturday 5:00 am-11:00 pm
Sunday 5:00 am-10:00 pm



If you don’t already have one or if your parking permit is expired, you will need to purchase a parking permit. There will be designated areas to park and camp on either side of the event. You cannot park or camp in the stage areas because this area will need to be clear for emergency vehicles, law enforcement, and stage management. Stage crew are the only ones able to park and camp on the stage row. When driving on the beach, drive slowly and be prepared to get stuck. It would behoove festival goers to bring boards to park on. Drive only on the darker sand to avoid getting stuck. Sand has been packed to reduce the likelihood of this, but do be prepared.

RVS, trailers, and other larger vehicles may be directed to reserved areas. Bear in mind that if you are in an RV there are no hookups or pumping available. Once parked, RVs must stay that way. They cannot go in and out. If you park in an unauthorized or unlawful area, your vehicle can be towed at the owner’s expense.



Anyone who has been to a large event such as a festival that draws a multitude of people knows that even if there are an adequate number of porta potties, they fill up fast and run out of toilet paper. Bring toilet paper in the event it runs out but also be prepared to use the bathroom outside of a porta potty. There is some very helpful information on the event page and in the Survival guide linked in this post, but below is a quick rundown of your bathroom options provided by Sybille Dohme:

Shovel Method: Dig a hole, do your business where no one will step in it, and cover it up.

Personal porto bucket for $26:

Personal porto using pool noodle



All fires have to be inside a fire pit or hole. Any holes dug must be filled back in. 50% of the fire must be covered. You cannot burn any trash.

If you will be performing with fire, be aware of the people and things around you. Always have a spotter with a safety towel.


The Austin House Syndicate Stage will have a First Aid kit for minor emergencies. The Frequency Junkies stage and the Crew stage will also have first aid kits. While there will be individuals present who will have first aid kits, it pays to come prepared. First items that are recommended to bring are bandages, tweezers, rubbing alcohol, something to treat bug bites, ointments, and eye wash. If there is a major emergency, please call 911 and notify the Austin House Syndicate tent as one of its members is a trained medical professional.

If you need to call 911, let them know you need the Matagorda Fire/Rescue to respond. The Matagorda Volunteer Fire Department is often the closest resource. There are mile markers for the first three miles of the beach so use these to let EMS know your approximate location. Please bear in mind that the event is at a remote location and the nearest hospital is over an hour away. 


Pets will be allowed. They must be able to handle loud music, lights, and lots of people. Walk them where people cannot step on their pee and pick up their poo.

Children are allowed but must be accompanied by someone with legal authority to make decisions for the child. You have to bring proper documentation to demonstrate your authority to make decision for the child. If a parent, please bring a photo ID.



You will want to stay out of the dunes if you can because rattlesnakes have been found there as well as cottonmouth snakes/water moccasins. If you must go into the dunes, make a lot of noise. See Page 10-12 of the Survival Guide for more information on snakes, bites, and safety.


Glass is not allowed on the beach. However, if you do see glass, properly dispose of it.

Firearms are not allowed at the event. Neither are fireworks and other explosives.

Drug use and the sale of drugs is not allowed.

Parking on the Hard Pack Road on the beach is not allowed. This area is for emergency vehicles, law enforcement, and stage management trucks.

No ATVs, UTVs, or dune buggies will be allowed on the beach.

Do not burn trash.

No bad vibes.



Survial Guide:

Personal Potty Instructions:

Event page:

Permalink to the main post with downloadable images by Sybille Dohme:

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I was listening to electronic dance music without even knowing it when I was listening to Jock Jams in the 90s. Fast forward to my senior year in high school and I had discovered Fatboy Slim. I have been listening to edm ever since and love writing about new sounds, good sounds, and the music that makes us move.