#MusicVideoMonday — That Groundhog Day Feeling


“Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn’t one today.”

It’s that time of year again, when we all gather around to watch a big ass rodent pop out of the ground as we all project our superstitions upon it. It’s also that time of year to sit back and laugh at the insanity that is every day life via the Bill Murray classic, Groundhog Day. To celebrate on this week’s edition of #MusicVideoMonday, here are some great videos that make light of the repetitiveness of adulthood.

Pegboard Nerds — Emoji (director: Patrick Jean)

Who knew that your favorite demise of the English language had such a dynamic life?

The Chemical Brothers — Let Forever Be

In “classic” videos, this one directed by the great Michel Gondry takes a lo-fi creative twist on the nightmare of repetitious life. And giant paper heads.

Happy Monday, everyone.

Happy Monday everyone.

Happy Monday everyone

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Ash Cash Dillon is a legit word nerd with a killer bass face and a love of all that is stone cold groovy. You can find her writing all over the interwebs, business world, and take-out menus via sharpie vandalism.