Event Review: This is SPARTA!


Sparta—a prominent city-state in ancient Greece that rose to military land-power around 650 BC.

This is SPARTA!—a prominent party state at Pure Houston that featured dancing, costumes, performances, hookah, henna tattoos, and eargasmic beats from 17 of Houston’s top EDM DJs, that rose to power Dec. 5.

Sing, O goddess, and tell me, O muse, of a night in Houston for the history books.

Sparta’s once-upon-a-time superbad status was forged on the utmost discipline and dedication from every member of its society; their thirst to achieve the same end is unparalleled still to this day. Though the Houston dance music scene’s goal to bring partygoers a unique and unforgettable experience is starkly different from the Spartan quest for military dominance, it’s impossible to ignore the discipline and dedication that goes into these events from every person involved.

Originally hailing from New York, Cindy Salvus let me in on a little secret: This was her first event as a promoter in Houston. Considering the all elaborate components that came together in such a professional execution, my mind was thoroughly blown.

At one point early in the night, I sipped my Chivas Regal 18 and was approached by a beautiful woman who asked me, “Would you like some grapes?” and proceeded to feed them to me by hand as Athenz provided a very appropriate soundtrack that enhanced the moment. I looked over to my right and watched members of the New HOT 95-7 give away swag, and saw attendees across the room happily indulge in hookah. The Electro Sirens’ belly-dancer themed costumes and dance moves mesmerized the crowd, as did a 300 reenactment by the KenDolls. The only time I sat the entire night, thanks to the killer soundtrack on two floors, was to check out the intricate henna tattoo artwork by Sacred World Henna.

The pool of talent behind the decks was astounding from start to finish. It was apparent that each and every DJ brought their A-game and put much thought into their sets. The upstairs room, Thermopylae, featured Tim VZ, Brian Stovall, a B2B set from MitchFU and Proto-J followed by a B2B set from DJ Ambition and 2tone, Vance Lawrence, JKB, and closing with Albert Fix. The main stage, Sparta, featured Athenz, Monstar, Kit Likwid, Notic, Lawrence & Celauro, and Matthew Dunn. With that kind of diversity, there was something for everyone and plentiful opportunities to expand your taste.

But perhaps the most impressive thing about This is SPARTA! was the crowd’s participation. Nearly everyone in attendance, DJs and guests alike, were dressed for the occasion in their best Greek and Roman costumes, despite not being a requirement for entry. Costume or not, everyone there allowed themselves to get in the spirit and enjoy the show. As a result, partygoers to a revival of toga tradition earned their bragging rights to show off some epic photos and tell the people they know, “I was there.”

So what’s next for Cindy Salvus? Like the Spartans we celebrated, her ambitions are high, but she’s also certainly not lacking dedication or experience. Riding the wave of energy and enthusiasm that swelled late into the night, she leaned over and told me, “It’s only going to get bigger. But I will give you one hint: Bring your fedoras and fringe.”

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Ash Cash Dillon is a legit word nerd with a killer bass face and a love of all that is stone cold groovy. You can find her writing all over the interwebs, business world, and take-out menus via sharpie vandalism.