Mix of the week: The Anjunadeep Edition 79 with Jody Wisternoff


IDo you feel like just chilling out this Friday?  Do you need something to help you groove through the weekend?  This week’s mix of the week is this week’s Anjunadeep Edition with Jody Wisternoff.  This smooth, sexy mix warms us up a little like a smooth hot chocolate, and is chocked full of deep house goodness, as well as new music from Yotto and Matthias Vogt.


Partial Tracklist (user created)

[00:00] 01. Anjunadeep Intro

[00:59] 02. Matthias Vogt – Schwarzbach

[05:06] 03. Amateur Dance – If Reality Calls, Hang Up

[10:14] 04. ??

[16:20] 05. RÜFÜS – Like An Animal (Issac Tichauer Remix)

[23:17] 06. Upercent & Javier Orduna – Ratata

[28:20] 07. Flight Facilities -Two Bodies (Henri Remix)

[34:07] 08. Amber – Sexual (ID Remix)

[38:05] 09. ??

[43:49] Amateur Dance – It’s Really Something

[52:45] Kiasmos – Swept (Tale of Us Remix)

[58:17] Fortunate War – Fuchsia





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Journalist/blogger since 2009 and music lover since 1980. Bex now travels the world and writes and takes photos of dance events, creates art in various media, sings quietly to her cat in the shower, and occasionally builds something that tends to involve a blowtorch. She can usually be seen hiding behind some sort of camera rig.