Quiet before the storm – ADE2014


We seriously need to clone ourselves. After bookmarking every event that we want to go to, we’ve managed to select 61 events. 61. Amsterdam is not that tiny. As we wandered the streets after picking our credentials, we kept running into notifications for more parties. There are stickers, posters, or flags everywhere you turn.

We have 1, possibly 2 interviews already scheduled for tomorrow. We can’t wait to show you what the exciting talent is doing from all over the world.

However, tonight is mostly quiet, with the exception of a temporary crowd in front of the Delamar Theatre. Tonight the city sleeps, tomorrow it comes ALIVE!

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Journalist/blogger since 2009 and music lover since 1980. Bex now travels the world and writes and takes photos of dance events, creates art in various media, sings quietly to her cat in the shower, and occasionally builds something that tends to involve a blowtorch. She can usually be seen hiding behind some sort of camera rig.