It’s MORPHin time!! Alex M.O.R.P.H. makes his Houston, TX debut at Limelight


If you’re a diehard member of the #TranceFamily and haven’t been living under a rock for the last 5 – 10 years. You definitely know who Alex MORPH is. With releases on Paul Van Dyk’s VANDIT and Armada’s plethora of labels, MORPH has consistently proven that when it comes to driving trance, he’s definitely more than capable.

As he descended on Limelight, it’s been said that the Trance titan asked, “Is it ok if I start with the harder faster stuff?”. Houston DEFINITELY didn’t have a problem with it. MORPH’s set was nothing short of an epic journey of sound and music. It hit all the sweet spots, including several sing along moments. A new addition to the night that augmented the evenings already over the top vibe, was the presence of lasers to the main room, courtesy of JD3 Lasers. The was visual intensity was matched only by the audible coming from MORPH. The night’s lineup could not have been more perfect as it included not only the German superstar MORPH, but local Trance heavyweights Matthew Dunn, Wes Walz,  and Jasmine Rose, all of whom provided the perfect appropriate compliment to MORPHs massive sound.

As you can see from our gallery, the night was nothing short of amazing for #TranceFamilyHOUTX

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