NY legend Micro graces Houston once again.


This past Friday, Sept. 9th, 2013, Sine Entertainment’s Fully Loaded Fridays continued after a short hiatus. The crew has moved to 5th Amendment in Midtown, and decided to celebrate their relocation with a proper party featuring New York’s very own, and legend in his own right, DJ Micro (https://www.facebook.com/djmicrony).

The local support for this event was fantastic. DJ GingerVytus (https://www.facebook.com/DJGingerVytus) opened up the floor. Known for her incredible trance sets, she definitely had no problem dropping a proper opening house set to set the tone for the night. Personally, I find her love for music to be contagious, and as those early partygoers arrived, they found themselves drawn to the music.

Next, White People, comprised of DJ Ambition and M.D.A aka Miss Duttie Ann (https://www.facebook.com/WhitePeopleMusic), took over the decks. This dynamic duo is nothing short of professional and on point each time they perform. Picking up the tempo and getting more bodies moving, they got a few dance circles going. The highlight of their set for me was definitely when they dropped a remix of Eric Prydz, “Call On Me.” That song is still such a jam, every version, every time.

DJ Weezar (https://www.facebook.com/djweezar) was direct support for Micro. Straight off is opening set for Paul Oakenfold at Stereo Live a few weeks ago, Weezar is one of the best in the city. Known for his track selection and ability to read his crowd, he really brought the party to the next level (as did the $6 dollar sine waves and $150 bottles of Goose, lol). Throughout his entire set, Weezar was simply on fire. Dancing just as much as his crowd, he is a pleasure to see perform.

Finally, the headliner for the night took the stage. Micro’s set was one of the best sets I have heard out in awhile. It’s hard to articulate the chemistry between a DJ and his crowd, the art of recognizing what the crowd is responding to and then selecting tracks based upon that. Micro did just that. By moving fluidly between old school trance songs, new remixes of his signature hits, and more current (and surprising) tracks; the proof was on the dance floor. Dance circles, stomping, shuffling, and smiles were seen throughout the club-even the bartenders were digging it.

Micro’s amazeball set, 5th Amendment’s lush environment, the sexy and talented Go-Gos dancing on elevated platforms and swinging across the dance floor, alongside Sine’s signature lighting effects, made this one awesome night. At the end of the night, Micro hung out for a bit and was just a great guy. Football, baseball, Breaking Bad and cracking jokes-it felt like I was hanging out with one of my friends. Nobody left the party dissatisfied, and it was a pleasure for myself and The Department of Dance to be there.

Be sure to catch our next live broadcast on www.thedepartmentofdance.com on October 11th, as DoD artist Noah Neiman takes over the decks at 5th Amendment at Sine’s next Fully Loaded Fridays event.


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Born in Houston, raised on hip-hip, classic rock and disco, I discovered electronic music in the late 90's. I am a graduate of the University of Houston Honors College and an avid fan of my city, beers and beats.