Above & Beyond: “And it feels like me…on a good day.”


Above & Beyond returned to Stereo Live on July 3rd 2013 to help us Houstonians start our holiday weekends out with a blast of confetti, lasers and lights. Houston’s very own and Department of Dance resident, DJ Matthew Dunn, opened the dance floor that night, helping to ease the crowd into what was sure to be a memorable night.

As the floor was filling up early with partygoers ensuring they had a good spot on the floor for the night’s festivities, Matthew Dunn set the tone for the night, playing beautiful and melodic trance. Dropping a couple of crowd-pleasing mashups, such as “Hardwell – Three Triangles (Losing My Religion)” and a favorite of mine, “Radiohead- Go To Sleep (Zoo DJs bootleg).”

Surain took the stage next, continuing to prepare the crowd for Houston’s second #grouptherapy experience in as many years. Above and Beyond are known for their incredible live sets, the kind of sets that can change a partygoers life and make your hair stand on end, while bringing tears to your eyes and filling your heart with pure joy. The vibe in Stereo Live on trance nights can be hard to describe. It’s full of hope and love and hugs, and honestly, a lot of intimacy. Trance breaks down walls, and Above & Beyond’s music facilitates that in a fantastic way.

Paavo and Tony took the stage last Wednesday night and from the moment they dropped Velvetine’s “ The Great Divide,” the crowd was alive with excitement. The mixed into one of my favorite Above & Beyond tracks from their Group Therapy album, “Sun and Moon,” featuring Richard Bedford. The crowd absolutely exploded once the vocals of this track kicked in; girls went up on shoulders and hands went up in the air.

One of my favorite things about Above & Beyond is that you get a healthy dose of Anjuna artists in each of their sets. Personally, I love Ilan Bluestone, so it was an audible treat to hear A&B drop “Sinai” during their set.  Of course, the entire dance floor went nuts when the boys dropped their summer banger, an ode to their favorite #breakingbad character, “Walter White.” That songs pulsated through the crowd and the intensity was palpable.  It was definitely a highlight of the night.

Finally, they closed it out by playing arguably one of the greatest trance songs ever, OceanLab’s, “On a Good Day.” Houston’s #trancefamily celebrated more than the Fourth of July that night; we celebrated the music, and the Department of Dance was glad to experience it with you.

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Born in Houston, raised on hip-hip, classic rock and disco, I discovered electronic music in the late 90's. I am a graduate of the University of Houston Honors College and an avid fan of my city, beers and beats.