New Music Monday – MGMT – Little Dark Age


In their new single, MGMT begins the shift from their new age hippie, sunny music, to a darker new goth electro.  This isn’t a bad thing for them though.  In their new video for Little Dark Age, they have fun with the sound and image, parodying The Cure‘s Robert Smith, with a gleeful nonsensical and pretentious tone to the rest of the video.  Even though the sound is a little darker (almost kissing She Wants Revenge‘s at times), their melodies are still catchy, and almost gleeful.  Enjoy!

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Journalist/blogger since 2009 and music lover since 1980. Bex now travels the world and writes and takes photos of dance events, creates art in various media, sings quietly to her cat in the shower, and occasionally builds something that tends to involve a blowtorch. She can usually be seen hiding behind some sort of camera rig.