New Music Monday: St. Vincent Dances with Dance Music

  • St. Vincent’s new album, MASSEDUCTION, is heavy on tales of despair and woe.  In this second video from her new album (and one of its preview tracks), Los Ageless, she flirts with dance grooves and a prominent drum machine.  This is not her first foray into the dance world, as her last 2 albums were no stranger to a drum machine – Hysterical Strength off of Strange Mercy flirts with a 4/4 underneath a grungy guitar growl, and about half of St. Vincent, including the glorious satire of our digital age, Digital Witness, are synth heavy and incredibly danceable.  With Los Ageless, the drum machine is more prominent than ever, giving this song a stronger danceable structure.  She still haunts the song with a swooping guitar groan and her sultry voice in prime form.  Check it out – Our album review is coming soon!


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Journalist/blogger since 2009 and music lover since 1980. Bex now travels the world and writes and takes photos of dance events, creates art in various media, sings quietly to her cat in the shower, and occasionally builds something that tends to involve a blowtorch. She can usually be seen hiding behind some sort of camera rig.